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April 9, 2009

Treasures of the Fathers: Pascha Tuesday

If the kingdom of heaven is likened to a kingdom in this parable, then the King must be the Son of God, for He is the King of the heavens, the absolute Wisdom, the absolute Righteousness and absolute Truth. Thus, is He not so also absolute Kingdom? But it is not a kingdom of any of those below, nor of a part of those above, but of all the things above, which were called heavens. – …

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April 9, 2009

How to Benefit Spiritually in the Holy Pascha Week

1. Our Behavior Inside and Outside of Church It is very noticeable that many people during Pascha Week are one thing inside church and completely different outside. In side church, black curtains, somber hymns, solemn readings, and concentrating on the suffering of Christ. Outside of church, we often laugh, joke around, socialize, think and talk about many worldly issues. We lose all the spiritual depth that we gained inside church. Let us concentrate our thoughts, – …

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Tagged: Holy Pascha
April 9, 2009

Treasures of the Fathers: The Day of Wednesday of the Holy Pascha

The Church Pours Ointment Many have met the Lord Jesus representatives of the catholic church, for He is the bridegroom. But this woman seems to me she has surpassed them all, after the Mother of God Saint Mary who has carried the Lord in the womb. She is the symbol of the church, and His Kingdom has been carried inside her, the mystery of the church’s life and its joy.” The Church that has not – …

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April 9, 2009

Treasures of the Fathers: Great Thursday of the Holy Pascha

The Disciple Whom Jesus Loved What he meant by saying "in His bosom," he tells us a little further on, where he says, "on the breast of Jesus." It was that very John whose Gospel is before us, as he afterwards expressly declares. For it was a custom with those who have supplied us with the sacred writings, that when any of them was relating the divine history, and came to something affecting himself, he – …

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April 9, 2009

Treasures of the Fathers: Eve of Good Friday of the Holy Pascha

The Jews, Judas, and Satan Let us see the course of the devil’s spite and the result of his crafty plans against Christ. The devil had implanted in the leasers of the Jewish synagogue envy against Christ, which even leads to murder. This disorder always leads, so to speak, to the guilt of murder. At least, this is the natural course of this vice. It was the way with Cain and Abel, and it clearly – …

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