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Statement Regarding the Olympics Ceremony from the Coptic Orthodox Bishops of North America

We express our profound dismay and condemnation over the recent portrayal of the Last Supper during the opening ceremony of the 2024 Paris Olympics. This depiction, which featured a parody led by drag performers, has deeply offended Christians worldwide.

The Last Supper was a sacred moment in the life of our Lord Jesus Christ exemplifying His ultimate sacrifice and love for humanity. To see it mocked in such a public and disrespectful manner is not only disheartening but also undermines the spirit of unity, inclusion, solidarity, and respect that the Olympics aim to promote.

We call upon the organizers of the Olympics and all involved parties to offer a sincere apology to the Christian community and to take steps to ensure that such disrespectful actions are not repeated in the future.

Posted by Kyrillos Serour

July 27, 2024

Apology اعتذار

نعتذر عن نشر بعض المقالات في مجلة الكنيسة "كنيستي القبطية" في عددها ٧ ، ٨ الصادر في سبتمبر ٢٠٢٤ بدون مراجعة دقيقة. و نعد...

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