اجتماع أساقفة امريكا النصف السنوي في مركز القديس إسطفانوس للمؤتمرات ب ولاية فلوريدا من ٣٢ اكتوبر حتي ٢٧ اكتوبر ٣٢٠٢.
Semi annual meeting of North America Bishops in Titusville, FL. From 10/23/2023 to 10/27/2023.
His Eminence Metropolitan Serapion Celebrates The Feast of St. John The Evangelist at St. John Coptic Orthodox Church
On the 1st Sunday of the blessed Coptic month of Tubah, 1741, January 12, 2025, His Eminence Metropolitan Serapion celebrated...