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June 15, 2016

Axios! Consecration Of Bishop Abraham and Bishop Kyrillos As Auxiliary Bishops For The Diocese

With great joy and jubilation, the children of the Diocese celebrates the consecration of Hegumen Father Ishak Saint Antony and Hegumen Father John Paul Saint Antony as auxiliary bishops with the names Bishop Abraham and Bishop Kyrillos, respectively. The consecration commenced Saturday evening at the Cathedral of the Holy Virgin in Zeitoun, Cairo, Egypt with our beloved father, His Holiness Pope Tawadros II introducing the candidates and their respective services. Bishop Abraham and Bishop Kyrillos – …

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June 10, 2016

Our Story: Chapter 1: Beginnings

Let me tell you a story. It’s a long story, though. It’s going to be told in more than one part because you probably won’t be able to hear all of it today. It’s a beautiful story, but it’s also a sad story. The good thing, though, is that the story is not actually over, and a happy ending is very possible. Actually, the happy ending is preferred, and you will find out that you – …

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June 10, 2016

Let Me Tell You a Story: Preface

The following is an excerpt from Yann Martel’s, Life of Pi, when the protagonist has finished telling his extraordinary tale of survival: “If you stumble at mere believability, what are you living for? Isn’t love hard to believe?” “Mr. Patel–” “Don’t you bully me with your politeness! Love is hard to believe, ask any lover. Life is hard to believe, ask any scientist. God is hard to believe, ask any believer. What is your problem with hard – …

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April 19, 2016

Remembering Abouna Fanous…

The recent passing of several giants has grieved me. There were the passings of Fathers Feltaous  and Mettaous  of the Syrian Monastery, then the passing of Anba Mikhail of Assiut. These and others, to me, symobolise the ending of a great era, a loss of giants. Hearing the news of Abouna Fanous el Anba Bola today, only added to this feeling. With every passing generation, I fear, humanly, that there’s a rich tradition that dies with them. I feel that there – …

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April 8, 2016

The Length of our Lord’s Public Ministry

The Gospel reading of the Fifth Sunday of the Great Holy Fast, known as the Sunday of the Paralytic, begins with this simple statement: “After this there was a feast of the Jews, and Jesus went up to Jerusalem” (Jn 5:1). It is, prima facie, a simple statement that one can easily pass over, but it deserves our attention, for we learn from it more than the obvious fact that our Lord went to Jerusalem – …

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