The Monk who Paid for a Harlot
As we celebrate the Feast of the Departure of Abba Bessarion tomorrow, it is good to meditate on his beautiful encounter with Thais, the harlot who received crowns in the Kingdom of Heaven, as recounted in the Paradise of the Holy Fathers. AND now I desire to narrate unto you the excellent history and the great repentance of the blessed woman Thais or Thaisis, for speech concerning her is most excellent, and it is full – …
Women, the Church is not Your Enemy
Recently, I came across an anonymous blog post written by a Coptic Orthodox woman expressing her frustration over several supposed inequalities and injustices in the Church. At the outset, let it be clear that I don’t doubt this woman’s sincerity. I might even agree with some of what she wrote. It was beneficial to see different viewpoints and understand how some people feel. At the same time, it left me wondering why some people see – …
July 4: What are we Celebrating?
We find ourselves at the gate of another Fourth of July weekend, a time when family and friends gather to celebrate the birth of this nation with barbecues by day and fireworks by night. When it comes to celebrating July 4, we certainly know what we’re doing. Our mailboxes are filled with circulars advertising various cuts of meat, meal pairings, and flag-themed napkins. This weekend, the brave will flock to local beaches despite overcrowding in – …
Q&A: I know Jesus loves me, but I’m suffering.
+ Q: I’m having some troubles dealing with suffering, and I don’t want just the “Jesus loves me” answer. Any thoughts or insights? Response: There were two other blogs where we discussed the problem of evil and how peoples’ choices are really the cause of most of our suffering. So I want to take a different line of meditation this time. Actually, this is a time of year, where that question is being meditated on by the – …
2. The Ministers & The Chief of Ministers
2. The Ministers & The Chief of Ministers I got ahead of myself, though. Let us go back a little. This King, before making the people, made a place for them. He was creative and illustrious, He wanted the place to be beautiful for them so that they would enjoy everything with him. He wanted them to be excited about everything even as he was excited for them. He made the entire Kingdom for those – …
Pentecost and the Gift of Unity
This weekend, our Mother, the Holy Church, guides us in the celebration of the Feast of Pentecost, the feast on which the Holy Spirit descended like tongues of fire upon the Holy Apostles and other disciples of our Lord in the Upper Room. The scene is described beautifully in the Book of Acts: “When the Day of Pentecost had fully come, they were all with one accord in one place. And suddenly there came a – …