Personal pilgrimage: On Orthodox [dis]unity – Part 2
This is the second of probably three parts in this series. The first one was done in allegory, and now I want to apply that allegory to real life through the lens of my own experience in this. I hope in the next one to talk about modern “issues” that we all have and of … Continue reading Personal pilgrimage: On Orthodox [dis]unity – Part 2 →
The Third Day Memorial: No More Clichés
As Orthodox Christians, our departed loved ones are never far from our minds and the consciousness of the Holy Church. From the very beginning, the Church established special prayers and memorials for the repose of their souls, a practice which stems from our faith that those who have departed continue to live in Christ and […] The post The Third Day Memorial: No More Clichés appeared first on Become Orthodox.
Q&A: Why am I not allowed to believe in [science]?
Question: Why am I not allowed to believe in the Big Bang Theory?Question: Why am I not allowed to believe in Evolution?Question: What is my stance supposed to be on dark matter? There are too many questions of this kind that I cannot encapsulate them all other than the [insert theory here]. Response: Well, the simple answer for those who do not want to read the long answer, is you can. You can believe in – …
Some advice for student life.
School’s in! Well, I know that in Canada everyone’s been back a couple of weeks, but in America some people are just starting and others have yet to begin! So for those who think this is late, and for those who think it’s early, I apologise. I know that I lived away from home for almost all of my post-secondary education, and there were things I did well and things that I did not do – …
Brothers who fought: On Orthodox [dis]unity – Part 1
There have been many fights lately about Christian unity. Oriental Orthodox vs. Eastern Orthodox. Catholic vs Orthodox. Protestant vs Catholic. You name it. We have acronyms to express every denomination and viewpoint on the planet. I cannot speak to most of those, but I want to reflect a little bit on the division between the Eastern and Oriental Orthodox. This first blog will be an analogy of sorts from which to work from, and the – …
Ultimate Deception: What if he comes in our time?
This one is very long – more of an article than it is a blog – but it’s also important. If the Antichrist were to come in our time, what would it look like? How might we be deceived? Would it really be so obvious as doing signs and wonders, and if so – how would we not be able to recognise him? Background We just finished a time of the year that is different from the – …