Paschal Message for the Feast of the Resurrection 2021
“Why do you seek the living among the dead?” (Lk 24:5) My Beloved, the Blessed Children of the Holy Church, Christ is Risen! Truly He is Risen! It is my pleasure to wish you a blessed Feast of the Holy Resurrection, hoping that you are surrounded by peace and kept safe through the power of the glorious Resurrection. We must begin our celebration by giving thanks to our Good and Powerful Lord, Who has granted – …
Paschal Letter for the Glorious Feast of the Resurrection 2018
Download the PDF (English and Arabic) “Then their eyes were opened and they knew Him” (Lk 24:31) My Beloved, the Blessed Children of the Holy Church, Christ is Risen Truly He is Risen It is my pleasure to wish you the blessings of the glorious Feast of the Resurrection of our Lord, God, and Savior Jesus Christ. The Resurrection of Christ is a revealing light that enlightens our eyes, so we can see our living – …
Treasures of the Fathers: Prophecies of Tuesday of the First Week of the Great Fast
In this series, we will read the Holy Scripture with the Church through the lens of the Holy Fathers who lived the Scripture and bequeathed their inspired interpretations to later generations for their edification and spiritual growth. Isaiah 1:19–2:3 And if ye be willing, and hearken unto me, ye shall eat the good things of […] The post Treasures of the Fathers: Prophecies of Tuesday of the First Week of the Great Fast appeared first – …
The Women in the Genealogy of Christ
Let us examine a unique aspect of the genealogy of our Lord Jesus Christ in the Gospel according to St. Matthew: the inclusion of several women. The historical reality is that, in Biblical genealogies, women are not typically included. A person’s lineage was defined primarily by his or her male’s ancestors. But in Christ’s genealogy, […] The post The Women in the Genealogy of Christ appeared first on Become Orthodox.
Christ Above the Temple Tax
Christ our Lord was in Capernaum, the city that hosted Him during much of His earthly ministry, residing in one of the houses along with His disciples. St. Peter, however, was outside this house when certain tax collectors came and asked him whether our Lord paid something called the “temple tax.” Peter responded, “Yes,” and […] The post Christ Above the Temple Tax appeared first on Become Orthodox.
Hurting people.
We humans, have become very mean. I think meaner than I remember as a kid. We yell a lot. We pontificate a lot. We let others know how we feel about things, invited or uninvited. Who of us has not felt the sting of hurt? I imagine the question is rhetorical, because the only person … Continue reading Hurting people. →