Diocese Clergy Meeting November 2024!
On the 28th Day of the blessed Coptic month of Babah, 1741, Thursday, November 7, 2024, His Eminence Metropolitan Serapion, accompanied by His Grace Bishop Kyrillos met with the diocesan clergy at Christ The Good Shepherd American Coptic Orthodox Church in Long Beach, California, for the regular monthly meeting. The day began with the celebration of the Divine Liturgy followed by an agape meal and the meeting. May God bless every work for the glory – …
Joint North America Clergy Theological Conference!
The annual North American clergy conference is being held at St. Stephen Christian Retreat & Conference Center from October 20-23, 2024. With presence of the North American Metropolitans and Bishops May God bless every work for the glory of His holy name.
AXIOS! The Ordination of Father Mina Rofail!
On the 2nd Sunday of the blessed Coptic month of Babah, October 20, 2024, After the prayer of Reconciliation His Eminence Metropolitan Serapion accompanied by His Grace Bishop Danial – Bishop & Abbot of St. Paul Monastery, Red Sea, His Grace Bishop Abraham, His Grace Bishop Kyrillos, and His Grace Bishop Joseph – Bishop of Namibia, Botswana, Zimbabwe, Malawi, laid hands on and ordained the blessed Deacon Mina Rofail, as a priest in the Christ – …
AXIOS! The Ordination of Deacon Girgis Hanna! AXIOS! The Elevation of Deacon Mikhail Ashamalla to the rank of Archdeacon!
On the 1st Sunday of the blessed Coptic month of Babah, October 13, 2024, His Eminence Metropolitan Serapion accompanied by His Grace Bishop Abraham and His Grace Bishop Kyrillos laid hands on and ordained the blessed servant Mr. Atef Hanna as Deacon Girgis Hanna for the Christ loving Diocese of Los Angeles to serve at Archangel Michael Coptic Orthodox Church in Santa Ana, California. In addition, His Eminence Metropolitan Serapion accompanied by His Grace Bishop – …
Diocese Clergy Meeting October 2024!
On the 30th Day of the blessed Coptic month of Tout, 1741, Thursday, October 10, 2024, His Eminence Metropolitan Serapion, accompanied by His Grace Bishop Abraham and His Grace Bishop Kyrillos met with the diocesan clergy at St. John Coptic Orthodox Church in West Covina, California, for the regular monthly meeting. The day began with the celebration of the Divine Liturgy followed by an agape meal and the meeting. May God bless every work for – …
ACTS Theological School Recently Completed a Remarkable Study Tour!
ACTS Theological School recently completed a remarkable study tour, offering participants a journey through some of Europe’s most significant spiritual and historical sites. The tour began in Geneva, where attendees traveled by train to Lausanne for the first of many memorable stops. A visit to the ancient St. Maurice Abbey, a site dedicated to the memory of the Theban Legion, provided a profound connection to the early Christian faith and the martyrs who stood as – …