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His Grace Bishop Serapion Declares One Week Fast for Egypt from 10/17-10/21 [Updated]

In response to the recent tragic events in Egypt, which are only the latest in a series of events targeting Coptic Christians with violence and injustice on account of their faith, His Grace Bishop Serapion has called for all of his children in this Christ-loving Diocese to spend one week of fasting and prayer for the sake of our brothers and sisters in Egypt beginning on Monday, October 17 and ending on Friday, October 21.

This fast is in addition to the three-day fast beginning Tuesday, October 11 that was instituted by the Holy Synod of the Coptic Orthodox Church.

May God grant our brothers and sisters in Egypt peace, justice, and protection through our fasting and prayer.

Posted by Fr. Moses Samaan

October 10, 2011

Apology اعتذار

نعتذر عن نشر بعض المقالات في مجلة الكنيسة "كنيستي القبطية" في عددها ٧ ، ٨ الصادر في سبتمبر ٢٠٢٤ بدون مراجعة دقيقة. و نعد...

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